
Heading down to SXSW this year? Consider taking a travel power pack

Heading down to SXSW this year? Long flights? Worried about not finding a power outlet when your devices are running on low?

imageI have to recommend the Energizer XP8000 Rechargeable Power Pack. (And no, I’m just an energizer customer, not shilling for Energizer. But in the interest of full disclosure, Microsoft and Energizer have been close, as with Microsoft managing some of the company’s IT operations as noted here.)

On a recent trip, the compact unit – about the size of a deck of cards provided many extra hours of use of our phones, PDAs and small electronics as well as one netbooks. It has several power outputs and comes with a bundle of extra connector tips for popular mobile phones and mini netbook PCs.

I was able to lave several power bricks behind at home on our last trip and travel much lighter (important when you’re also arranging a vacation’s worth of family electronics). I used the USB charger/sync cables for our mobile phones and game units in place of the wall warts that we have for them, and left the power supply for our HP netbook. image

I found the Energizer XP8000 available at Amazon if you can’t find it locally: on sale, you can find this available for in the $70 range.

For smaller uses, there’s also a mini Energizer XP4001 that runs about half as much on sale (many if the office supply stores carry it – I found it locally on sale for under $40). 


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Tips & Tricks: How to deauthorize Apple iTunes on all computers associated with your account

Yes, I use lots of different software, including applications from companies of all sizes, from WinZip to Scansoft, to popular applications from Adobe, Intuit, Microsoft (of course) and many more.

And yes, I also use software from Apple.

We own lots of different devices and systems in our home, and we have iTunes installed to manage content we purchased pre Zune days(mainly videos of network shows we missed on our Replay TV DVR or Media Center PC). As I was logging on to my account I noticed that I had reached the maximum number of authorized computers for iTunes (it’s five).

Unfortunately, we are only using iTunes actively on two of our many PCs in the home. Past computers with iTunes have given up the proverbial ghost, as it were, having wiped, upgraded and donated our old PCs.

Apple doesn’t make it too easy to find how to deauthorize computers you’re no longer using, But through the winders of Bing, I found Apple’s knowledge base article on deauthorizating PCs en masse. Turns out that once per year, you may deauthorize iTunes on all computers and then re-add the current computers.

To deauthorize all computers associated with your account (Apple KB HT1420)

If you find you have reached 5 authorizations, you can reset your authorization count by clicking Deauthorize All in the Account Information screen.

  1. Click iTunes Store in the menu on the left side of iTunes.
  2. If you’re not signed in to the store, click the Account button, then enter your account name and password.
  3. Click the Account button again (your ID appears on the button), enter your password, and then click View Account.
  4. In the Account Information window, click Deauthorize All.

Note: You may only use this feature once per year. The Deauthorize All button will not appear if you have fewer than 5 authorized computers, or if you have used this option within the last 12 months. If you need assistance on using this feature, please contact the iTunes Store support via email (

(I noticed that Apple uses a similar hierarchy for their support site as we do at Microsoft, using and then noting KBs such as this one as I wonder if this is a case where Apple followed Microsoft’s lead.)

As you managed your accounts going forward, consider deauthorizing iTunes on a computer prior to its exit from your home network.

Oh, BTW Apple: please don’t automatically assume that I want to install new software or services, this time with Safari 4 and MobileMe. You tried to install Safari in the past, going as far as to setting the default to install the app, as noted…

After complaints, Apple tweaks Software Update for Safari

"Following a storm of criticism, Apple has changed its Software Update software to mark a distinction between new programs, such as its Safari on Windows browser, and updates to existing ones.

"Now, Apple’s Software Update has two separate boxes, one labeled "New Software" and the other labeled "Updates." Before Safari 3.1 was under the "Updates" box and there was no "New Software" heading.

"An Apple representative told Computerworld that the change was done to distinguish new software from updates but declined to say whether it was in response to criticisms or whether Apple may leave the "New Software" box unchecked, as Mozilla’s Dotzler suggested."

Personally, I like the options we provide in Windows Update that allow you to opt in for optional installations. Maybe you could emulate that approach, just as you have with your Support URLs. 😉

imageAnd please fix the text formatting in the Apple Software Update app…



Tags: Apple, Microsoft, iTunes, Windows, how to, tips, Customer Service.

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Surviving CES in Las Vegas: A few helpful hints

Personal Photo by Kcferret of the Las Vegas Sign. June 2005 {{GFDL}} As you may already know, CES 2010 begins this week in Las Vegas (officially, CES is January 7-10). Yes, it’s true that researchers have determined that stress may cause the brain to become disconnected, but you don’t have to be disconnected at when traveling to Las Vegas.

Once again, I was asked not once, not twice but a half dozen times in the last day for a couple of restaurant recommendations and a link to my past, popular post, “Surviving CES in Las Vegas: A few helpful hints“. So with a tip of the hat to my old friends and definite foodies at Rogers (love Aureole), I offer a few tips for those heading off to Vegas this week for the event, recycling the bits in the blog post


Tags: Microsoft, Xbox 360, CES 2010, CES, travel tips.

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Your questions: “What do people read on your blog?” Stuff about Time, Bill Gates, Kids and shopping for a new PC. Here are some of the most popular posts.

Jenn asks today…

"What do people read the most on your blog? I found your article on how to choose a new computer and found lots more stuff."

Good question, Jenn. I didn’t really know until I looked today.

Here are the top recent posts from my blog in the last couple of weeks. Seems that the most popular are the historical pieces on daylight saving time, with one of the most popular in the last couple of months my post on "Microsoft Windows August 2009 Updates to Daylight Saving Time and Time Zones" with details on Microsoft KnowledgeBase Article 970653, "August 2009 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems". (Note that details on the December 2009 cumulative time zone update will be posted next week.)

One of the most popular posts in the last quarter was "Be careful: Why getting Windows 7 "RTM" today can be like a box of chocolates" advising our customers to "be careful and don’t download something from a less than trusted source. As noted in my post here on the Windows 7 Release Candidate, please don’t use torrents or P2P to get Windows 7 bits, as has been noted in the in the news. (Also available via many people eager to get Windows 7 but may subject themselves to malware."

On the content side, the top post in the last year ((and still popular today) is the collection of articles titled "Halloween, Daylight Saving Time, Bill Gates’ new company and other mysterious things I’ve read this week" – "Here’s a blast from the past (December 2006): What do candy, Microsoft products and Congress have in common?  You can read more about this in the latest news on the subject.  If you thought tracking the machinations of various daylight saving time and time zone changes around the world was tough, Paul Tennant of the Eagle-Tribune reports that in Haverhill (MA), trick-or-treating is Saturday night this (and every) year rather than on Friday, October 31."

If the connection here is Bill Gates Halloween Masks, then you really want to read the article in Forbes (click the link on this link to the Halloween Masks article) from Matthew Herper back in 2003 (masks designed by Nina Gould)…

"He created a monster. In his younger days, Bill Gates was accused of being a monopolist. Microsoft is maturing, and now pays a dividend. The world’s richest man is trying to remake himself as a philanthropist who uses his vast fortune to fight the scourge of AIDS in Africa. Which is the real Gates? Ask FrankenBill." Click on image for mask.

One of the all time most popular posts is this one on Your questions: ‘If we installed the December 2007 Microsoft daylight saving time updates, are we covered for the changes this Fall?’ 

Recently, I received a question similar to one I answered last year on daylight saving time and time zone updates to Windows:

"We updated our systems earlier this year for daylight saving time [the rules for the US and Canada].  Is there anything we need to do?  Should we also update our systems with the last DST update? [referring to the August 2008 cumulative update]

Generally, the answer is yes.  As I noted earlier here, it depends.

Next, on the top list of posts is this how-to covering one of the most popular questions: "How do I make Internet Explorer my default web browser?" 

As I work in the Windows division, a letter made its way to my office: a customer mail sent to one of our senior leaders that asked…

"How do I set up Internet Explorer to be my default web browser?"

Simple question you may say, but unfortunately in this case, the customer noted that they were unable to find the information on our web sites or using online help.  So, after first apologizing for the difficulty the customer had in locating the information, I then provided the following steps on how to configure your PC to use Internet Explorer your default web browser. 

But I digress…

Here are a few of the most popular posts from the blog in the last month or so. Seems that most of the info I share is via my feed on twitter, which I update a few times a day.

Last but not least, I’m not sure why, but my humourous post "Apologies for my ode on the Day Before Christmas" ( remains one of the top posts in the last year. My guess is that pictures of snow and kids always get folks online.


Tags: shopping, RSS, Microsoft, New PC, articles, blogs, Microsoft, Windows 7, what I read, twitter, FAQ, your questions.

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Surviving MGX Atlanta 2009: A few helpful hints

Going to MGX this year?  Here are a couple of resources for you – I will add to the page later as I have time.

Update 072009: In response to several requests, I’ve re-posted the original post referenced above here, along with the latest updates. Have something to add? LMK.


If you’re heading to the US for MGX (Microsoft Global eXchange – the Microsoft Sales & Services annual event), I’ve posted here a few hints along the lines of my notes from Surviving CES in Las Vegas.

Flight and Hotel: Given the event is invitation only, if you don’t already have either of these, good luck.  You’ll have a better chance of seeing a mid-day temperature under 85 degrees than finding either at this late date.  

Overall, stick to the plan: MGX is a well-run, professional event.  Remember to use the shuttle busses, go to the planned events and have fun.

Pack light.  Keep in mind that it is hot in Atlanta this time of year (high 80s, and lends to the given the nickname, Hotlanta), and the weather will be in the high 60s/ low 70s at night, and humid as all get out (up into the 30s at mid-day, and about 18-20 degrees for my friends outside the States).  Check the weather report for Atlanta here.  Standard dress includes light khaki pants or shorts and comfortable shirts: think Hawaii. 

Bring sunglasses, a hat that doesn’t brand you a tourist, and wear great, comfortable shoes.  And don’t bring the stylish shoes, go for comfort as you will be standing and walking.  A lot.  My pick: anything from Ecco, Rockport or New Balance. And see also a few travel recommendations from Colin Cowie on packing.    

Getting from the airport to anywhere: Remember, if you need to get a taxi cab at the airport, look to the departures area where people are exiting the taxi.  (Just a suggestion, not an endorsement.)  You’ll receive a number of suggested modes of transportation, but always good to pair up (or three or four) with folks going to the same hotel and split the $30 taxi fare into town.

Getting around town: Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (or MARTA) is one of the easiest and inexpensive ways around Atlanta and the surrounding area.  Taxis are readily available from most major hotels, and likely there are a number of places to see within a short walking distance from your downtown hotel. 

Note: want a quick ride from the airport to downtown? Ride the MARTA from the airport to Peachtree. Very fast.

When in Buckhead, ride the Buc: The Buc Shuttle is a free shuttle bus service that connects MARTA’s Lenox and Buckhead stations to popular places in Buckhead, including hotels, restaurants, Phipps Plaza and Lenox Square. Important to note when visiting some of the clubs and restaurants noted below.)  According to the Buc info site, “the shuttle runs every 8-15 minutes between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Monday through Friday on a five-mile loop.” So, for heading home from a late evening, take a cab to MARTA or back to the hotel.

If you arrive into town with other folks on the same flight, consider renting a limo or get together an impromptu set of people going to roughly the same hotel: that way you’ll pay one limo fee.  Last, unless you plan on traveling out of town, don’t rent a car (take a cab) unless you enjoy paying daily hotel parking rates akin to what you would pay for a flat in SoHo.

Say hello your new best friend: the hotel concierge.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it here, too: the concierge is your connection when you don’t have connections in town.  When you arrive at the hotel with a concierge on staff, introduce yourself and hand them a business card.  That one move may come in hand later more than you know.  See ‘dinner’ and ‘getting to the airport’ for starters.  As Cowie notes, “ask your concierge to make some reservations for you now at top restaurants so you don’t find that you can’t get in when you arrive there in peak season. Tip the concierge the moment you arrive…”  See, you can learn helpful travel hints from a man that you thought only had great party design sense. 😉

Eating out: You’ll no doubt have some free time one or two nights, and Atlanta is a wonderful place.

Best breakfasts:

See these suggestions on and if you’re game, check out my favourites…

Alon’s, a great local bakery and breakfast joint, with brunch offered at their Dunwoody location on Saturday and Sundays. 1394 North Highland Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30306
Tel: (404) 872-6000

Java Jive, for the authentic Atlanta Southern breakfast, with homemade biscuits and traditional “big, American breakfasts” with eggs and bacon. It’s a very busy place but worth the trouble.  790 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30308, Tel: (404) 876-6161

(Added 072009) There’s also the Highland Bakery where you can sit down at the counter and have a civilized breakfast or take it with you. Excellent fare, opening at 7AM weekdays, 8AM on the weekend. 655 Highland Avenue, #10, Atlanta, Georgia 30312, Tel: (404) 586-0772.

Lunch and Dinner:

Around town: Check out the MSN MSN City Guide for Atlanta here, as well as their restaurant guide.  Also, my favourite web spot for ratings and information is Zagat’s, with links to a few of my favourites. You can also get good customer reviews from OpenTable book many of these restaurants for free via

  • Bacchanalia – The food at Bacchanalia is still among the best in Atlanta. You can order a la carte or from a sampler menu (prix fixe), featuring local fare and excellent wine.  It’s expensive, so don’t pad the expense account… eat at the bar and get the same food as in the main restaurant.  1198 Howell Mill Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, (404) 365-0410

  • Aria – this is one of my favourite restaurants in Atlanta.  ( and on many top restaurant lists, serving a great fare ranging from local fish (I see that Mountain Trout with crab smashed potatoes, haricots vert
    and pecan brown butter is on the menu this week), chicken, duck, and meats.

  • Bone’s Restaurant – When in Buckhead, one of the best place for steaks is Bone’s, a nice local alternative to Ruth’s Chris’ or Morton’s, with starters of excellent starters, steak and seafood. The restaurant has excellent service and a very good wine list.

In addition, there are a few tried and true spots in Atlanta, including these two high-end chains:

  • Capital Grille – Atlanta.  Technically, it’s in Buckhead, which has plenty of late-night fare and entertainment, and a classic steak house in the vein of The Palm, with plenty of lobster and seafood.  A very nice wine list, excellent service and a full menu in the bar if you are there for a simpler evening or can’t get a table. Tel: (404) 262-1162

  • Oceanaire Seafood Room.  Oceanaire is a great choice for fresh seafood from all over the world.  1100 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309 – Tel: (404) 475-2277.

  • Craftbar. Again, if you’re making your way out to Buckhead for events, then check out Tom Colicchio’s (famed Top Chef judge and restauranteur) not only has a local fine-dining restaurant Craft (akin to the NYC experience) but also a more accessible Craftbar. (More info and reviews here at Yelp and OpenTable). 3376 Peachtree Road, Tel: 404-995-7580 (added 072009)

A note on booking tables… Consider booking your table through your hotel concierge as noted above: if you haven’t called them in advance, ask for their help in booking a table (tip, please) and get their business card with their phone number after you check in… and give them a tip if they offer a direct dial number.  A good concierge may be able to score a reservation to a hard-to-book place: I have found that your best bet is a well-connected hotel concierge if a direct call to the restaurant doesn’t pan out.  Also, look to your credit card company (many offer a concierge service) or try your hand (or mouse) booking a table at Many of the restaurants still show availability on as of today, so book early.

Stuff to see: Always a good reference for the best restaurants, clubs and activities in Atlanta, see, and visit MSN Travel Guide to Atlanta

(Added 072009) Thanks to Jeff for his suggestions on other cool sites in and around town (for any free time between events you may have…):

I’d also recommend that folks who have a few minutes to spare might enjoy the Georgia Aquarium and/or World Of Coca-Cola. If you have enough time, you can take a walk around Centennial Olympic Park (bonus points if you can find the nail imprints on the metal statue from the Olympic Park Bomb). News junkies may enjoy the CNN Tour.

Getting to the airport.  Finding a cab on the last day of MGX or any large event in the Peachtree capital is like finding a street in the City without a ‘peach’ in the title.  Arrange a car in advance through your concierge for more than one traveler.  Or that concierge you tipped earlier just may have arranged a shuttle for a small group that has an opening.

Added July 2009…

Ask your friends and followers on Twitter.  Follow the discussion about MGX on Twitter here via the #MGX hashtag:

Have fun.


Tags: Microsoft, Atlanta, MGX, travel tips.

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