
Dude, I’m returning a Dell: the hard drive failed on our new PC

j0414099[1]I wanted to share a very frustrating story with you that happened to me last weekend, one that I shared with Dell’s customer advocate folks.

You may’ve read my post on the poor customer experience at my neighbouhood Best Buy (the good, the bad… you get the picture).  I was in search of a new laptop for my wife and I purchased a new, sealed Dell Inspiron Laptop with an Intel T5750, 3GB, 250GB.  Such a model should be a good, reasonably priced replacement for her Inspiron 600M. 

Over the weekend, I backed up and migrated the files from my wife’s old notebook to this new machine: file transfer was easy using Windows Vista Easy Transfer.  I spent the bulk of my time on installing applications.  All was well, my wife was happy and the kids were thrilled of the promise of a new computer in the kitchen.

After using the PC for a few hours, the machine froze. 

Uh oh.

I restarted by holding the power key and after running through the self test, I found in the diagnostics that the hard disk was no longer recognized, making a repetitive clicking and whirring sound.  To my ear, it sounded as if the drive had fallen and was unable to get up.

So back to Best Buy I went.  After taking the unit behind the curtain, the Geek Squad determined that the unit was in fact unrecoverable, and my only options were to exchange it for another PC (but not a similar 1525, as they were sold out) or return it for a full refund.   could get one form another store a couple of hours away (no thanks) so I opted for the refund.  To their credit, Best Buy’s return staff were courteous, helpful and sympathetic.

Oh, and while I was in line, saw several Dell PCs on the returns table – this didn’t inspire confidence.

One of my concerns about the returns process wasn’t how the credit would appear on our credit card statement, but how Best Buy would ensure that our personal identifying information would be erased/ destroyed from this drive.  After asking, Best Buy’s manager on site assured me that the unit would be returned to Dell and that it would not be resold.  But knowing that Dell has a healthy refurbished sales channel, and lots of stock ends up on Best Buy’s “returns” table, I’m still a little concerned.  How does Dell deal with drives that fail in the field returned for refurbishing?

So far, no word from Dell’s customer advocates (via email).

I am a long time Dell owner (several towers, laptops) and a little upset at the time I spent this weekend migrating my wife’s data to this new machine.  In all, these are steps I will have to repeat when buying a new replacement machine for her 600M. Frankly, I don’t think that I will invest in another Dell personally purchased via box box retail – all my Dell PCs have been built to order (BTO) direct from Dell. 

With back to school and holiday sales on the horizon, there may be a good time to buy coming up, assuming my wife’s trusty Inspiron 600M lasts.  (I expect that it will.)  An added bonus for this tried and true notebook: I purchase the then-discounted four-year, full coverage (“even if you drop it we fix it”) warranty, which has paid for itself a couple of times over: Dell has so far replaced the motherboard, power supply and hard drive.  And it remains quite usable, having upgraded the more than three year old notebook from Windows XP to Vista Home Premium SP1 and Office 2007.

There are 151 days of Dell Complete Care remaining on the 600M. Maybe this notebook will see us happily into the new year.

Tags: Dell, Microsoft, Vista, Windows, Best Buy, retail, whack, Customer Service.

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Best Buy Revisited: Buying a PC at retail isn’t as bad as I first found

bestbuy01 Over the weekend I twittered about a follow up visit to Best Buy.  Given the volume of mail I received in response to my post on shopping trips to local Apple Store and my neighbouhood Best Buy (the good, the bad… you get the picture), I thought that it would be a good idea to revisit the store and see what the shopping mood was like pre-Microsoft Gurus (as announced here).

First, let me say that this post garnered the largest volume of mail ever, producing and interesting grab bag of comments, with the majority echoing my experience…

"I haven’t bought anything at Best Buy in a long time and this is another reason to shop via the web."

"What did you expect to find? That’s about right. Sad."

"Apple has nothing to worry about."

"Does Best Buy really open computers and wipe the software off?"

More on that last question in a moment.

Several people sent me their feedback of positive experiences, including this one that summed it up pretty well from Grant:

"Best Buy has been a good store. They sand behind their sales and they provide refunds when things don’t work out. Most times I have been happy with their help in store and they have a good site. The support in the store can be hit and miss."

Hit and miss. That was my experience over the two weekend visits: last weekend was the miss, this weekend was a direct hit for positive customer service.

I walked into the store to see what the Best Buy customer experience would be at around 5:02 PM.  The store was busy and there were a dozen or more shoppers in the computer area (none in the Apple kiosk).  Several had that fish-out-of-water look, carefully reading the descriptions in front of each notebook and playing with the computers.  I noticed one blue shirted salesperson on the floor behind the counter, helping a customer with a sale (as noted in the picture above).  So far, it looked like this was going to be a repeat of the week before.

Moments later, as I counted nearly twenty people in the computer area, I looked around and saw five (yes, five) Best Buy salespeople moving in to answer questions.  Shock and awe.  I listened in to a couple of conversations as I waited my turn.  People got direct answers to specific questions and were steered to models that seemed to be appropriate for them.

As I stood looking at the large screen desktop replacement, 17 inch portables, I overheard one BB rep provide an answer to a young couple with questions about the $30 and $129 Geek Squad prep service offered.  This was also a popular topic in some of the mail I received, as readers asked similar questions of me:

"I heard that Best Buy will only perform the exorcism once you buy the computer."

"Do they really have machines that are pre-cleaned? Doesn’t that void the warranty?"

The BB rep pointed to the stock on hand and explained to the shoppers that this was a service they offered on all of their computers in stock.  A quick look around the computer section found several large, locked cabinets on the main floor.  Best Buy inventoryIn each cabinet were most of the notebook computers offered for sale on the main showroom floor, in some cases more than were found simply stored loose under the floor model notebooks.  As I watched I overheard a sales person repeating a similar offer to the one I’d heard a week prior: 

"I think that we are out of stock of the computer you are interested, but we have a couple of units that have already been optimized by the Geek Squad."  

A Best Buy PC that's been 'geeked' I looked down at the area the sales rep was kneeling in front of, to remove a package for the customer.  Sure enough, I noticed that a large sticker was affixed to all the inventory in this locked area, as shown (apologies for the blurry photo):

"This computer has been tested and set up by Geek Squad."

So yes, pre-Geeked (or would that be ‘de-Geeked’?) PCs were available for immediate purchase.  In one case, I heard that this was the only option for a customer, although the BB rep offered to look at the inventory at other stores if need be.  And no, explained the Best Buy rep, your full manufacturer’s warranty is still in effect.

About this time, a gentleman in a BB blue shirt by the name of Alex approached me, introduced himself and asked if I had any questions.  I first asked a few questions related to the Geek Squad service of removing what I termed ‘bloatware’ and what it entailed: contrary to what I had heard previously at BB, this response was delivered with a little more tact:

"Many computers come with trial and demo software already installed on the hard drive.  For $30 the Geek Squad will remove this software and make changes to the computer registry.  This will make the computer much faster." 

No mention of junk, spam or crapware this time, just references to trial software, as I had encountered during my previous visit, when I heard that "the computer comes with a bunch of junk and software that just clogs up the machine, and really slows them down."

Best Buy help in action I explained to Alex the general type of PC I was again searching for our home (having had to return my previous purchase due to a failed HDD in the first day of ownership — more on that later).  Over the next few minutes, Alex answered all my questions on the benefits of one model over the next, AMD as compared with Intel processors, the amount of memory and hard drive space I would need for our new family computer, and what he believed were the best choices for the price points I outlined.  He never disparaged the PC OEM, the software on the drive or the configuration.  Alex was helpful and professional, and generally knew what he was talking about. 

As I looked around, it seemed that the crowd had thinned and that all reps on the floor were now helping people walk out the store with a new computer in hand. Alex steered me in the end to Dell and Sony models with the same Intel dual core processor (a 5750), 3GB of RAM and a 250GB HDD.  In addition, he also suggested a comparable HP model with an AMD dual core and similar specs.  All models were roughly the same price: he explained it really was a matter of personal taste and aesthetics.

Looking at the Twitter log, by 5:20 PM I was out of the store: under 20 minutes all told.

There may not be many ‘it’ retailers for computers, but there are certainly good and bad store reps, each with varying degrees of knowledge and interest in meeting the customer’s expectations. 

In my previous visit to this big box store, I had found few people on the floor seemingly interested to engage with customers.  I found a fairly negative tone to the purchase experience, with references to bad things awaiting me in the box and steering me towards a complete computer cleansing, and had to wait what I thought was an inordinately long time for help. 

On my last visit, I found that my first glance was deceiving, with staff making their way to the floor to answer customer questions, guiding people through the purchase process and providing generally a better customer experience.  The rep provided what I’ll rate as on par with Apple Store service: courteous, knowledgeable and timely. 

You may not find it every time (and I’m sure that there are some customers who have had a negative Apple Store experience) but when you do, it works.  And this is before the Gurus.

Tags: Apple, Microsoft, Vista, Windows, Best Buy, retail, whack, Customer Service.

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Microsoft Gurus coming soon to enlighten you at retail

Well, the news has hit publicly, so I can now talk about the coming of help at retail in our new Microsoft Gurus.  No, not that Guru

I just twittered about the new technology help coming to a major computer store near you. The "Microsoft Gurus" were announced today (as noted here on MSNBC, A little late, I say, but better late than never: based on my own Labour Day customer experience at Best Buy and a local Apple Store, this can’t come soon enough:

"I was prompted to visit after I read Matt Richtel’s article in the Times, in which Geek Squad management said that their "agents have one thing over Apple and Microsoft engineers. We spend most of the day talking to people."

As Tom Pilla (he’s our general manager of corporate communications) said today…

The world’s largest software company plans to have 155 "Microsoft Gurus" in U.S. stores by the end of the year, and expand based on the project’s success… These gurus will be answering questions about PCs and Microsoft products, as well as giving demos of how the company’s products work together — help designed to get them thinking Microsoft.

Having tested the concept around the country and in Europe over the last year, we will deploy these customer service representatives at major retailers including Best Buy and Circuit City.  It will be interesting to see how hey fare along side the personal shopping assistance being offered at one major retailer

The new Retail Experience Center on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, Wash. is designed to learn about and improve the experience consumers have selecting and purchasing Windows PCs in retail stores.As noted today on Microsoft Presspass, we’re working with our major retail partners and PC makers to improved and enhance the customer experience "with Windows at every touch-point" including…

  • rolling out Windows-branded sales environments and store-within-a-store concepts at major retailers,
  • Major PC manufactures including HP, Dell, Sony and Lenovo are working with Microsoft to enhance key areas of the PC experience, including speeding up startup and shut-down time and sleep and resume speeds;
  • has been revamped and will point consumer to specific Windows products and experiences that deliver.

Bill Veghte said…

“We must deliver a world-class shopping experience that aligns with the brand promise and our online presence. That is why we are working with our key retail partners to make the process of evaluating, selecting and purchasing PCs with Windows as simple and informative as possible.”

As noted on the Presspass site for Windows, early pilots with retailers have included branded "store-within-a-store" displays, with some featuring trained Microsoft "Gurus" to assist PC buyers, similar to the Nordstrom model of "personal shoppers, where the focus is more on informing and supporting the customer than on the actual sale.

Initial feedback on Gizmodo was a bit harsh, exclaiming that Gurus "are kind of like Apple Geniuses, only a lot less useful."

Really? Have they met one?

An eagle eyed commenter on Gizmodo saw a job listing for Microsoft Gurus, noting the locations where they were needed, including California, Washington DC, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, Virginia and here in Washington state.

Tags: Gurus, Microsoft, Vista, Windows.

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My Labour Day Best Buy and Apple Store Customer Experiences

(Note 030609: A thanks to Rob Pegoraro’s Tweet today. You should also read my follow up to this post, “Best Buy Revisited: Buying a PC at retail isn’t as bad as I first found”. In this economy retail needs to shine. See more in my Apple Store experience post:

I twittered over the weekend about my retail experiences at two different stores, a local Best Buy (aka a big box electronics store) and our local Apple Store.  I was prompted to visit after I read Matt Richtel’s article in the Times, in which Geek Squad management said that their “agents have one thing over Apple and Microsoft engineers. We spend most of the day talking to people.”

Do they really have something “over” Apple and Microsoft?  Casting aside all my preconceptions of such stores, I decided to check this out.

First stop: Best Buy…

I drove over to my local Best Buy, which for full disclosure I must admit is often a regular stop on my weekly agenda.  I don’t go there necessarily for advice, as I find myself more often than not consulting on-line reviews and feedback when considering a new purchase.  I do go there for staples and items that may require a return (increasingly it’s gifts).  I go there with my kids to check out the latest electronics, cameras and video games (‘though Game Stop is usually what our kids identify with most these days).  On that late Friday after work, I twittered that I found the store quite full, with many folks stacked up in the computer department late in the day. 

I first noticed that the computer department had several long displays, each with six to seven computers lined up for inspection.  On average, more people were looking at laptops slash notebooks than desktop PCs.  (Not surprising as analysts such as IDC have noted that notebook sales are rising as desktop sales decline, with almost 2/3 of all notebooks sold to consumers.)

Geek Squad Customer ServiceWithin a few minutes, I ended up like many others there: a frustrated shopper at a big box store.  As I found my way back to the computer area, I glanced over at the combination Geek Squad slash customer service desk and didn’t see a single Geek behind the desk.

I saw only only one sales person for a dozen customers in the department.

About twenty minutes into my visit, mulling about the laptops, netbooks and peripherals near the central sales counter, I was still waiting. I noticed two other salespeople finally walking by, but they were intent on finding keys to the store room to unlock an Asus netbook for a customer: I overheard that he’d been waiting for “a <expletive deleted> half an hour” with his friend.  I did spot another sales rep in a blue shirt talking to the on-site Clearwire rep about PCs. Well, they were actually talking about the performance of gaming sites on the Clearwire wireless service: I could hear them quite clearly.

Apple Stand at Best BuyLooking left of the generally Windows computers, I saw that there were no sales people in the Apple in-store display, and only one, lone customer looking at Macs.  For the duration of my visit, I saw perhaps two customers in the Apple area.  

And all the while, I still didn’t see a single white-shirt, black-trouser Geek Squad staff anywhere in eyeshot.

Meanwhile, while finally seeing a rep appear behind the computer terminal looking up a spec or something for a customer, another customer behind me asks “is this the line to get some help?” 

I looked around and saw five people queued up behind me, and just as many around the notebooks fiddling with keys and admiring screens. Time in the store so far according to my tweet: 35 minutes.

Finally, after joking with the gentleman behind me in line about getting some assistance before the store closed (his joke, not mine) a sales rep and asks “Can I help you?”

Oh, yes, says me. “I’m looking to purchase a new notebook and I have a few questions about a couple of the models on the floor.”

“Oh, sorry, I’m from Clearwire wireless here tonite. One of the other guys can help you with that.”

With that, he walks away and motions to the blue shirt hastily tapping on the keyboard: he looks up from his computer terminal, apparently delivering his other customer into the hands of the Clearwire wireless rep notebook and strides over to see me.

Finally, a sales guy. I typed “this should be interesting…” on to Tiny Twitter about 40 minutes now into my visit.

Over the course of the next ten minutes or so, the rep answered most of my questions as we compared a few of different models with similar specs and features: a couple of Dell notebooks, a Toshiba and two HPs.  Coming into the store, I had all but decided on a particular Dell model that was on sale, but had questions on the design and features of the closest comparable HP and Toshiba (as we have all three brands represented at home, in addition to Apple, Gateway and my custom-built Shuttle).  The rep was able to answer most of my questions but had to refer to the specs printed on the note cards in front of each of the models for a few items… understandable as there were nearly two dozen (or more) models on the floor. 

As I finally decided on the model to purchase, I expected that the rep was preparing to kick into the standard shtick on extended warranties… but no: he surprised me with the first thing out of his mouth:

“The models you’ve looked at really don’t have any anti-virus or security software on them, they’re really pretty empty.  For $129, we will add complete anti-virus and security software, and install it for you.  We’ll also clean out and remove all the junk on the computer and fix the registry.”

Huh?  What’s that?  Clean out the junk?  Fix the registry?  These were new computers.  What is in need of fixing?  I made a note of what he said in my notebook that I had tucked under my arm, to be sure I captured it in the entirety.  I wrote this down among the notes and specs I had brought with me on the various computers on my short list, compiled from various web sites.  The rep continued:

“You see, the computer comes with a bunch of junk and software that just clogs up the machine, and really slows them down. And the computers only come with some limited time offers for security protection. So the Geek Squad has a deal where we take of all that for you, and it doesn’t take very long.”

“Really?” I asked, scribbling his words into my notebook.  “Well, I don’t think that I need the security software, as I already have packages at home for AV and security.”

“Oh.  Well, we also offer ‘crapware removal’ and optimization of the registry from the Geek Squad for just $30. They’re pretty fast and can take care of it while you wait. 


“I think that I even have a couple of units of the computer you’re purchasing already cleaned if you’re interested.”   

“Uh, I don’t think so,” I said.  I was concerned about the ‘crapware removal’ and optimization of the registry offered by the Geek Squad.  The fact that the sales rep even offered me a preconfigured and “pre-cleaned” units already in stock was an interesting offer.  As I said, I declined: being a self-acknowledged geek, I’m not thrilled with the idea that a tech had already opened the computer packaging and monkeyed about with the contents of the drive and the registry.  Mind you, $30 is less than the $50 fee Sony proposed for their “Fresh Start” programme.  As Ken Fisher of Ars wrote back in March…

“We learned at 2007’s International CES, straight from Michael Dell himself, that “crapware” generates significant revenue for the PC industry, accounting for some $60 of revenue per machine at Dell. In an industry with razor-thin margins, it’s not hard to see why crapware is popular with OEMs like Dell and Sony.”

As such, I wonder if Dell is thrilled with Best Buy’s action, or perhaps other OEMs: I noticed in the locked cabinets bordering the computer area that units from all manufacturers — Sony, HP, Gateway — on the floor had been similarly “de-Geeked” of OEM installed software, their registries mucked with, awaiting purchase.  Given reviews I’ve seen in many of the popular trade magazines on the ever increasing amount of “bloatware” and “trialware” I can imagine that some customers take advantage of the service.  To prove this hypothesis, I found that upon a follow up visit to Best Buy a couple of days later, all of the units of the make and model I purchased that had been “pre-Geeked” had been sold.

“OK, how about an extended warranty… we have a…”

I quickly (but nicely) cut him off, explaining that I was fine with the standard one year warranty from the manufacturer, happy in the knowledge that my credit card company will double the warranty to two years for free.

After a little over an hour (one hour and 13 minutes, to be exact), I’m in the car with my new notebook, still sealed in the carton and imaginably laden with all the software the OEM had intended, and the limited security software the sales rep had warned me about.

Let me reiterate that: I spent over an hour to get maybe five to ten minutes of time with someone who knew what they were talking about, resulting in a sale. 

As I left the store, I looked over at the Geek Squad area and saw a line of two or three people waiting to speak with the lone Geek manning the station.  I also noted three similarly clothed Geeks at the entrance to the back service area, talking and laughing with a couple of blue shirted Best Buy floor manager types. 

Perhaps that’s what the Geeks mean when they say that they “spend most of the day talking to people.”  They’re referring to the deep discussions they have with other staff behind the counter.

On to Apple…

Now, on to run an errand at the mall with my son, Max, in an effort to trade in some old video games for new ones… and a stop at the Apple Store.  I’ve posted items about a visit last year to my local Apple Store and a brief post here.

As his family is all Apple Macintosh (my brother-in-law is a creative type VP at a design firm), we recently purchased a new black MacBook for our nephew.  I was interested in comparing the differences between the model we selected and the current crop of Apples (or would that be ‘harvest’?).  Max at the Apple Store

In addition, our Zune-toting son, Max, still craves the ultra slim and tiny iPod Nano, and enjoys the iPhone (tho’ far too young for a mobile): techno lust knows no age boundaries.

At the Apple Store, we find a good ratio of salespeople to customers, I count 8 – no 9 – people on the floor, with one busy guy at the Genius Bar. I was greeted by a couple of people and one came over to me and asked if I had any questions.

Apple Store employee Edgar answered all of my questions on the differences between the white and the black MacBooks, and even steered me to a less expensive model than I had originally considered. He outlined that the savings I found could be better spent on more memory given that our nephew was into animation and film making in high school.  During the discussion he seemed genuinely interested in my questions, offered good, thoughtful answers, and wasn’t there for the hard sell.

In all, we spent just a little more than 20 minutes in the store, with at least (if not more) half of that time spent among the tables of white plastic as Max oogled over the iPhones and iPod nanos. He obviously enjoyed that no one shoo’ed him away from playing with the hardware, pawing at the touch screens and bounding from one table to the next, happily asking questions and getting answers. Similarly, I saw a large number of parents in the Apple Store in tow with kids who happily played with the Macs and music players, all with the assistance of a helpful rep. No pressure, no push and even though the store was full, no wait.

I did see a few people behind the counter at the back, ringing up sales and handing out bags of merchandise, another lone Genius at the Bar doling out advice to a growing line of people in the store (many with hardware in hand). There didn’t seem to be much time for chit chat amongst the staff: they all appeared to be engaged, answering customer questions.

I believe that the customer experience is well summed up in an article from the Times last year, “Inside Apple Stores, a Certain Aura Enchants the Faithful” by Katie Hafner

“Whenever we ask consumers to cite a great retail experience, the Apple store is the first store they mention,” said Jane Buckingham, president of the Intelligence Group, a market research firm in Los Angeles. “Basically, everything about it works. The people who work there are cool and knowledgeable. They have the answers you want, and can sell you what you need. Customers appreciate that. Even the fact that they’ll e-mail you a receipt makes you feel like you’’re in a store just a little bit further ahead of everyone else.”

There are a few ‘it’ retailers for various things, retailers that I will visit even if it entails a long drive out of my way, but not too many choices for computers these days. (As noted, ComputerWare set the bar for many computer retailers in Silicon Valley, as did Kepler’s for books).  As I’ve noted on this blog previously, I’ve used and owned many different computers over my career, for the most part dominated by Macs and PCs since the mid 1980’s, including several NeXT Cubes and slabs (and one poor attempt at setting up and using a Linux system).  The best customer experiences I recall have been in Macintosh hardware and software stores.  It’s no wonder that (as Fortune noted) Apple Store sales per square foot in New York are more than four times Best Buy.

[Update 090809: Full disclosure: As of today, we have several different brands of Windows computers in our home, including Dell, HP, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, recently retired Gateway and Shuttle PCs, and a newly installed, home built moneaul media centre. Being an equal opportunity computer user, I also have a couple of Apple Macintosh PCs, given I have been using the brand since the first Mac 128K, and before that with the Apple II (and before that too numerous to mention). Somewhere in storage is my original C64! At work, I use a variety of PCs, my main models being from Asus, Dell and Toshiba (not to mention different smartphones). One day soon I’ll write a post describing what we use the various PCs for; until then, thank heaven for mesh computing and my Windows Home Server to manage it all!]

Is there a retail store with the service of ComputerWare today for personal computers, one that isn’t marked by a side view of a popular Washington state fruit?  I’m not sure.

Tags: Apple, Microsoft, Vista, Windows, Best Buy, retail, whack, Customer Service.

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[edited 090308: fixed link in first paragraph]