
Your questions: “How should I back up my new Windows Vista computer?”

Lynn asks…

“We just got a new PC at home, and we moved all of our old files to it.  How should I back up my new Windows Vista computer?”

First, check out the information on the Windows Backup and Restore Center page: in Windows Vista, this is one way to manage computer backup and restore.

S.E. Slack also has an article on our main web site, Back up your data, as she looks at why you should back up your content. She is a lifestyle and technology writer with more than 10 books to her credit.

“In this article, I’ll explain the basics of backups and show you how to use the Windows Vista Backup and Restore Center. You’ll also learn how to back up Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 e-mail so that even if your hard drive crashes suddenly, you’ve still got access to the e-mail you need. Creating and implementing a backup plan now will save a lot of frustration in the future.”

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Microsoft joins the AIA on Accessibility Efforts

Interesting article in eweek this week by Darryl Taft on how Microsoft has joined up with other technology companies to “collaborate on creating IT products for the disabled.” More on the new Accessibility Interoperability Alliance can also be found here in this PR, noting the four projects that they will initially work on:

  • Consistent keyboard access. Developing a set of keyboard shortcuts to provide consistent behavior to users of assistive technology products in any Web browser
  • Interoperability of accessibility APIs. Modifying and/or extending existing accessibility models (Microsoft UI Automation, IAccessible2 and others) to improve the interoperability and exchange of information between IT and assistive technology (AT) products
  • UI Automation extensions. Adding features and capabilities to support additional rich document scenarios, address new Web scenarios and more.
  • Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (ARIA) mapping through UI Automation. Designing the mapping of rich Web accessibility information through UI Automation to ensure maximum value for AT products and, therefore, for people with disabilities

“Today, developers must work across divergent platforms, application environments and hardware models to create accessible technology for customers with disabilities,” said Rob Sinclair, director of the Accessibility Business Unit at Microsoft. “The AIA is an opportunity for the entire industry to come together to reduce the cost and complexity of accessibility, increase customer satisfaction, foster inclusive innovation, and reinforce a sustainable ecosystem of accessible technology products.”

More information about the AIA can be found at


Article: Holiday customer service from the service workers point of view

This weekend finds an article by Nicole Tsong in the Seattle Times, Help them help you: Service workers offer some “counter intelligence.” It offers views of outrageous customer behavior during holiday shopping from the viewpoint of the people “who work the cash register.”

“Grocery-store cashier Jennifer Dougherty once watched, horrified, as a customer grew angry at a man in her express lane with twice as many items as allowed. It was Christmas Eve.

“Before you know it, [he] had opened up his milk and dumped it on the head of the guy in my line,” she said. “It ruined many people’s Christmas spirit, including my own.”

Ouch.  Tough crowd.  Overall, another reason for shopping via the Internet.

According to the article, here are the Top 10 ways you can help out your service worker:

1. Get off your cellphone.

2. Be polite.

3. Don’t fuss with displays more than necessary.

4. Don’t blame them for prices.

5. Don’t use the bathroom while calling customer service.

6. Put the money or credit card in their hand.

7. Respect other shoppers.

8. If you’re taking care of something while you’re on hold during phone support, make it quick.

9. Tip.

10. Get off your cellphone.

You can also contribute your own “Dear customer messages.”

Tags: Microsoft, Customer Service, Customer Support.


Your questions: Is there an update for Windows Mobile devices for the new time zone in Venezuela?

This from Peter today… and two others this week (thanks):

“Is there a patch for the new time zone in Venezuela for the windows mobile devices?”

As noted previously, Venezuela’s time zone shifts by 30 minutes on December 9th, and in addition to the Windows Cumulative DST & TZ Update for 2008 (that includes the change for Venezuela, Brazil and others), we also have updates for Venezuela for Windows Mobile devices:

  • Update for Windows Mobile (KB944326): Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 and Windows Mobile 6. This update includes updated time zone definitions for a new time zone for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
  • Update for Windows Mobile 5.0 (KB944326): Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0. This update includes updated time zone definitions for a new time zone for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
  • Update for Windows Mobile 6 (KB944326): Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Windows Mobile 6. This update includes updated time zone definitions for a new time zone for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Tags: Microsoft, Daylight Saving Time, Daylight Savings Time, DST.


CNET on sleep disorders and standby issues in Windows

A head’s up from Lifehacker, Dennis O’Reilly from CNET Blogs discussed Fixes for Windows standby and sleep problems in his productivity blog.

“If you’re familiar with putting your PC in Standby or Hibernate mode (and hopefully you know the difference), you probably know that both are anything but a sure bet. Dennis O’Reilly, blogger at CNET, runs through a few checks any Windows user should go through to make sure their computer slumbers when they want it to. Among the fixes are disabling the “Wake on LAN” setting in BIOS, pruning down scheduled tasks and modifying the properties of your mouse and keyboard.”