
Safari: an update on managing Apple Software Update items

In an update to my post No Safari option for me on Apple Software Update, thanks (as always) to Microsoft MVP Blake Handler for this update.

Dan Cunningham documented how to disable this update….

Offered as an FYI, YMMV, as modifying the registry (if you don’t know what you’re doing) may not be wise.

“This is also going to be a problem in corporate environments, where end users have a bit of freedom. I know of numerous companies that don’t “allow” Quicktime or iTunes, but don’t have the ability to prohibit the installation (bet you’re wishing you didn’t give your user’s local Administrator privileges now huh?).

“So I decided to do a little research into ASU and see if it can be locked down in any way. Well there doesn’t seem to be any ability to lock down through Group Policy, but I did find that a specific REG_MULTI_SZ value in the registry can effectively disable the Safari update. I don’t know if this applies solely to Safari 3.1, or any future versions, but it’s worth implementing anyway. Save this text to a .REG file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Apple Inc.\Apple Software Update]

This sets Update_Ignore_List as a REG_MULTI_SZ to “061-4516″. This is the update code for Safari. For companies that need Quicktime to be updated, but don’t want iTunes to be installed, you can also add “061-4270″ to the list:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Apple Inc.\Apple Software Update]

Anyway, hope this helps someone!

Tags: Microsoft, Apple, Macintosh, Safari, customer satisfaction.

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