Around 20 years ago, I almost went to work for Guy when he ran Acius/4D, largely on the recommendation of the popular Mac community on CompuServe (75435,446 ;).
I know, I know… databases are just not me.
But I was drawn to the evangelism, of course. 😉
Now you can get a quick list of Guy’s posts on by clicking on this blog link.
An his original The Macintosh Way is a must read… although published in `89, it’s the best $5 you’ll ever spend.
Unless you’re really thirsty: then go get two fruit smoothies for the price of one before July 4th at JambaJuice. 😉
Tags: Macintosh Way, Guy Kawasaki.
One reply on “Link: Guy Kawasaki on Customer Service”
Earlier this summer, Jason Daley wrote in Popular Science (June 2007 issues) about the Worst Jobs in