“How can customers leverage WSUS to obtain the daylight saving time OS updates?”
WSUS can only be used to push the http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931836 OS updates for Windows 2003 SP1 and Windows XP SP2. It cannot be modified to push other updates. If you are having difficulty seeing this update in WSUS, first make sure that updates with the classification of Update Rollups are selected under…
Options –> Synchronizaton Options.
On that same page the appropriate products (OS versions) should be selected as well.
Once those are confirmed to be in place make sure the catalog has synchronized without error. With the synchronization successfully completed, make sure that updates with the classification of “Update Rollups” are not filtered out from the view under…
Updates –> View frame –> “Products and Classifications”
Tags: Microsoft, Windows XP, Windows, Daylight Saving Time, Daylight Savings Time, DST, WSUS. 546,819; 774,495; 1,028,894