
Correction: Media Center up to 14M units

With respect to my post today re: Slate on “The Myth of the Living-Room PC” I was sent a note via the blog email feature, reminding me of Matt Goyer’s Media Center blog and his post noting that MCE is now at 14 million units. (Matt points to an interview in the Seattle PI with Robbie Bach, in which he updates that “we have Media Center with over 14 million units and growing around the world.”)

I enjoy Matt’s blog and would like to say thanks to Jennifer for the pointer.

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Blake’s ‘Ultimate List’ of Microsoft Software and resources

Blake Handler has posted posted on his Spaces blog his “Ultimate List of Free Windows Software from Microsoft.”

“Microsoft has over 150 FREE Windows Programs available for download — but finding them all is extremely difficult. Until now, thanks to the Road to Know Where!

I’ve included this in a past comment and wanted to report it here as Spaces recent changed the URL format…

“Thanks once again for your understanding on the URL changes. This was critical to us being able to scale the service. We know the pain this caused and this decision was not taken lightly. We have no plans to change the URL from its <spacename> format.”


Uncategorized One-stop for help and support

Over the last few days, I’ve answered these two questions multiple times:

Where do I go to get more info on Windows XP Service Pack 2?

Where can I find the latest update to Office 2003 ? (BTW, that would be Service Pack 2, aka SP2.)

If you’re looking for help on one of Microsoft’s many products that you purchased for your PC, start your search at, your first stop on getting the help you need with your Microsoft products.

For example, if you have a question about your computer with Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition installed that you purchased through a retailer or directly from a computer manufacturer (OEM) in the US, you should first contact the computer manufacturer. In my personal experiences, the on-line prodcts support sites at Dell, HP and Gateway have been very helpful when diagnosiing issues I’ve had with computers at home. And Microsoft provides two support requests submitted online (by email or IM chat) or by phone at no charge (see the support page for detail).

Microsoft offers no-charge virus and security-related support online for home users, dedicated to help you obtain support for security-related issues such as viruses and security updates. Call 1-866-PCSAFETY (1-866-727-2338) for virus and other security-related support. It is available 24 hours a day for the U.S. and Canada. For phone numbers outside of the U.S. and Canada, just select your region.

More info…

  • Post support questions to newsgroups and collaborate with others who use our products, including Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs).

  • TechNet provides detailed How-To information for IT professionals about Microsoft products.

  • MSDN provides detailed information for development professionals about Microsoft products.

  • Post support questions to newsgroups and collaborate with others who use our products, including Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs).

  • Search the Knowledge Base to use keywords and search Microsoft’s Knowledge Base of articles for more information.

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