
Friday humour: the guy the virus writers count on

Flash to a conversation overheard in a checkout line: when one person asks another why they hadn’t responded to an email, the resopnse comes: “there was an attachment in your last email, and I heard that attachments could be bad… so I didn’t open it.”

That reminded me of a past cartoon…

You really do have to be careful these days: I regularly receive emails with small .zip or .jpg attachments that no doubt hold all sorts of nasty goodies. Don’t open attachments unless you really know (and can confirm!) who they came from and what the attachments are.

As Stephen Sinofsky said in this discussion on the impact of “I Love You” virus that infected computers worldwide in 2000…

“Always make sure you have anti-virus software running and that it is up to date. Ensure you have the latest product updates… You should also practice safe computing practices, such as being very careful when opening email attachments.”

More info:

(BTW, the cartoon is by the talented Cam Cardow of The Ottawa Citizen.)

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Friday Humour: Fake crosswalk signs

 Thanks to BoingBoing for today’s item on fake crosswalk signs.

Crosswalk01The creator of the Total Crisis Panic Button is Jason Eppink, who has a bunch of other good stuff on his website:

 – Total Crisis Panic Button
 – Start Running — Danger is Imminent
 – Don’t Think — Stay Fearful and Alert
 – Obey Orders

Here’s a clearer photo, taken by Steve Diet Goedde at the corner of Sunset and Silver Lake Blvd a few months ago.


Friday Link: the secret to productivity is the free food

Interesting article on Slate today, on Idiotic Corporate Penny-Pinching …

“Such coffee cutbacks aren’t just petty, they’re self-defeating. Companies get a lot of bang for the buck by providing coffee—a legal drug that keeps employees pepped up. Workers, including this one, need caffeine to get through the day. Get up from your desk, go to the nearest coffee place, and return. Now repeat. That’s how much time a company loses by not providing company joe. On my first day on the job at Bloomberg 14 years ago, I was surprised and pleased to find not just coffee but the entire contents of a convenience store on offer, gratis. The reason? Billionaire Mike Bloomberg didn’t want people leaving the building to get coffee, cookies, or anything else they needed to keep them going on his dime.”

Sure, there are some new perks coming… many we pay for and fine by me as a shareholder. Bloomberg paved the way on keeping up productivity, and many companies realize that it’s good business and boosts employee morale

“Like employees at overgrown startups Google and Yahoo!, Facebook exudes a “Let’s stay in tonight,” vibe–all three companies offer its employees some type of laundry service, and Google and Yahoo! programmers and executives often prefer to eat in their posh corporate cafeterias than venture out.”

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Friday Link: for customer service stories

Many thanks to my friend in support for the link to which covers the good, the bad and the ugly of customer service:

“All customers have experiences. Some of them are good. Some of them are bad. All of them matter. organizes the world’s customer service stories.”

If you’ve ever wondered what the inside of an international call center looks like, you’re in luck. Also of interest on the site: the BuzzCustomer Rant of the Week.

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Friday Humour: Cartoon characters as Korean art

Thanks to boingboing for the reference to this exhibition at the Arario Gallery in Korea, Hyungkoo Lee’s”Animatus” …

“This Korean art exhibition explores the fictional anatomy of cartoon characters, with elaborate faked-up skeletons for Looney Toons characters, anatomical drawings of Mickey and friends, and many other artifacts from the study of toon anatomy.”

You gotta see this to believe it. My favourite: Mickey Mouse.

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