Has facebook made you change your name to something other than your name?
Recently, an automated system on Facebook demanded that I change my name, after having provided details to them previously verifying my name. “
“The name contains invalid characters.”
Really? It’s not like my name is M& or M*. Or Mr. Mxyzptlk, ‘tho people have said they claim an impish resemblance.
And it turns out I would have plenty of relatives on facebook. 😉
A few years ago when I first joined FB, I thought that with people like my friends Trip, Bing and T, there wouldn’t be a problem with my name.
Customer service reached out to me and asked that I provide official confirmation of my name. (What, doesn’t everyone have digits in their name?) I did, they approved it and that was that.
That is, until one day last month when FB told me that I had to enter a new name else they would temporarily freeze access to my account. Which is why today I’m listed on FB as Mthree.
How frustrating. It seems that there are lots of frustrated users with other name changing issues unable to get anywhere with the social netowking giant, as noted here.
Rather than skirt the system and contact people I know at FB, I decided to use their available support systems, initially submitting a support request. Nada.
A few weeks ago, I sent a letter to their customer service department in Palo Alto. Nothing.
So, after a little searching, I found the support page that allows you to contact a real person: http://on.fb.me/evYoJR:
I Need to Change My Name
Keep in mind that profiles are for personal use only. If you are trying to change your account name in order to represent a business or organization, or to represent yourself as a public figure, you should create a Page.
One reply on “Link: How to change your name on Facebook (well, we’ll see)”
i cant even change my name in facebook ,i need to cahnge it because the name that is in my facebook is a false name ,its not my true name,please help me to cahnge the name in my facebook acount