Gosh, has it really been nearly two weeks between blog posts? Given the lack of blog posts, you should surmise that it’s been a busy few weeks at the company given we’ve been closing the end of our fiscal year, going through the last bits of, well, delivering RTM bits of Windows 7, and working on future products and services.
Today was a busy day at work, and in the news with lots of coverage of potential competitors, new technology, executive announcements and even tips and tricks for organizing your schedules, finances and other routines.
But first, a moment I noted on Twitter.
I love movies. This past weekend we watched The Terminator series. In the two sequels, I noticed that the evil Chrome T-1000 Terminators that also jump back from the future to do in the poor heroes of the film are eventually sent packing by the dutiful, more real and established T-101.
At least they were real competitors, ones the T-101 could directly engage, rather than just being taunted from the future by the promise of a superior T-1000.
Enough about movies. On to exec announcements.
As On July 7, TechFlash broke the news that Steven (Sinofsky) was the new President of the Windows division. With Jon DeVaan, Steven has brought what’s been categorized as "new discipline to Windows engineering" – it’s been and continues to be a good partnership. These two guys have worked together closely at Microsoft, back to the days when Jon was a dev on the Excel team and Steven was the Visual Studio program manager (as noted at WinHEC ’08). The two of them continue to work towards developing and delivering Windows 7 with high quality.
It’s a huge effort and responsibility, and it’s great to have these guys leading the way on Windows engineering, along with so many talented, super smart and dedicated people on the product team. You can read more about Jon in this interview with Mary-Jo Foley and in this Q&A on Microsoft Presspass, and get a sense of Steven from his old techtalk blog (perhaps he’ll revamp it) and from this interview last year with Ina Fried. Of course, the Engineering Windows 7 blog provides even more backstage and interesting news from the Windows effort.
On competition, I thought of Miyamoto Musashi’s epic work The Book of Five Rings, and the passage that states…
In the Today is your victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.
Something to keep in mind as we near the RTM and eventual commercial release (aka GA) of Windows 7.
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