
Now available: WebCast on Windows 2000 updates for daylight saving time

In case you missed Jorge Lopez in the Support WebCast on Daylight Saving Time and Windows 2000, the WebCast is now available for off-line viewing here  (at In it, Jorge covers the daylight saving time (DST) changes for 2007, and we also answered a number of questions on DST in general.

Offline viewing download: If you wish to download a copy of this broadcast to your local hard drive for playing off-line, we provide this as a separate file (.zip archive) that you can download.  (

And please stay tuned for more information on a possible encore live event, as well as for general introduction and coverage of DST impacts: watch our Daylight Saving Time 2007 web page on for more info. (Please see  As I said previously, this public page on the site will be revised regularly to include new product updates, compatibility information and links to Knowledge Base articles.

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