In case you missed Jorge Lopez in the Support WebCast on Daylight Saving Time and Windows 2000, the WebCast is now available for off-line viewing here (at In it, Jorge covers the daylight saving time (DST) changes for 2007, and we also answered a number of questions on DST in general.
Offline viewing download: If you wish to download a copy of this broadcast to your local hard drive for playing off-line, we provide this as a separate file (.zip archive) that you can download. (
And please stay tuned for more information on a possible encore live event, as well as for general introduction and coverage of DST impacts: watch our Daylight Saving Time 2007 web page on for more info. (Please see As I said previously, this public page on the site will be revised regularly to include new product updates, compatibility information and links to Knowledge Base articles.
Tags: Microsoft, Windows Vista, Windows, Vista, Daylight Saving Time, DST.
One reply on “Now available: WebCast on Windows 2000 updates for daylight saving time”
KB 926666 for Exchange is coming down on WSUS and it absolutely, positively needs a reboot… so don’t