
Lifehacker’s Thanksgiving download: a dozen PC fix-it tools

Of interest is this item on, just in time for the holidays, “Geek to Live: A meaty Thanksgiving download.” In a 17MB download, it promises that they will “save you the trouble of chasing down half a dozen PC fix-it tools in the midst of your post-turkey coma. Instead we’ve put together everything you’ll need to right your famliy’s borked computer into one meaty Thanksgiving download…”

Lifehacker’s Thanksgiving PC Rescue Kit – (zip file, 17MB)

“This zip file contains half a dozen free tools we recommend to scan and clean and protect a malware-laden PC. Either download right now and save to your thumb drive, or bookmark this page for next week’s tech support session. The entire file is less than 17 megabytes, which will leave room on your USB drive for those Neil Diamond tracks Mom asked you to download for her.”

Additional resources:

Also check out my past posts on computer security, here on protecting your pc and here on screen scraping, trojan horses and stronger passwords.

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