
Friday Link: MSN Tech’s All-Star Tech Stores

Today on MSN Tech, a ranking of the best tech retailers around in their story on All-Star Tech Stores:

“Who’s got the best prices, selection, sales help, and return policies among online and brick-and-mortar stores? We surveyed more than 5000 readers to find the best places to buy tech gear.

To get a picture of how buyers are making those choices and of which Web-based and real-world stores best meet their needs, we surveyed thousands of PC World readers and visitors. We then conducted interviews with some of the surveyed shoppers, performed our own in-person tests at brick-and-mortar stores, and took multiple spins around the most popular online retailers.

Highest rated?

  • Brick-and-Mortar Survey: Tops are Office Depot and Staples for overall satisfaction, and Staples for store design and its product return experience

  • Online-Store Survey Results: & TigerDirect top the list

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