
Is it real or… Find out with Office Genuine Advantage

If you think that the copy of Microsoft Office you purchased may be counterfeit, there’s a way to tell for sure via a new program that TechWeb reported on today.

Microsoft’s Office Genuine Advantage (OGA) and Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) programs are (as per our web site) “part of Microsoft’s on-going effort to protect customers and partners from counterfeit software and to increase customer awareness of the value of genuine Microsoft software.” The latest OGA program is for users running versions of Office localized in several languages, that checks if you are running an authentic copy of Microsoft Office.

From the article:

“There is a process for receiving a complimentary replacement of the Office software,” the spokesperson said. “It requires that the OGA user submit proof of purchase, the counterfeit CD and a counterfeit report with details of their purchase. Upon fulfilling those requirements, the user qualifies for the complimentary offer.”

More info:

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