Last week I wrote on my personal blog about how I wanted to see more on-demand tv (I try to keep my personal editorials on MySpaces). When it comes to technical content, offers a great selection in our archive of on-demand webcasts; a large number of TechNet and MSDN webcasts included in the archive. For our customers, it’s great because you can easily search the complete archive by audience (whether you’re an IT Pro, a home PC user, a developer…), Microsoft product and event type (in-person, live or on-demand webcasts).
For instance, I did a search for On-Demand Webcasts for All Audiences related to Windows XP 64-Bit Edition and found the The .NET Show: Win64 from last June, where Larry Sullivan, Volker Will and Kevin Frei talk about the move to 64-bit and what it might mean to your development efforts.
I enjoy music downloads from MSN Music, as well as radio plus for streaming music. I would really like to see MSN offer unlimited downloads as Napster and Yahoo do today. And the real benefit will come when I can view (and perhaps download) shows we miss at home from <rant on> We were able to find and purchase a missed episode of one NBC show on (gasp) iTunes, which wasn’t very straight forward, with the video clips selection somewhat hidden in the iTunes UI. I’d rather download the shows in WMV format rather than QuickTime — and with the clean msn TV UI — so I might have increased availability of the show on my Windows devices. You’d think that with the relationship MSN has with NBC that we’d be proactive in the space. If Dateline can offer a video gallery on MSNBC.Com, then why not allow downloading of clips, even with DRM?</rant>
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