
Kawasaki’s blog – worth the read

Guy Kawasaki updates his blog regularly at A very good guy with insight on start-ups, VC, customer service and evangelism: when we lived in the Valley, I had the chance to see Guy more than my fair share, esp around the time he left Apple to 4D. In a recent blog on VC white lies, I particularly liked number 9…

“We like early-stage investing. Venture capitalists fantasize about putting $1 million into a $2 million pre-money company and end up owning 33% of the next Google. That’s early stage investing.”

And I still give his books (“The Macintosh Way” is not just for the old MacPaint crowd) to people I know when looking for a standard on evangelism… ‘though not as often as I make presents of the still timely “A Whack on the Side of the Head” by Roger von Oech.

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