A blast from the past (ok, July 4th), as the heat wave is keeping it hotter than ever in many cities across the States and Canada this week… the heat wave continues but I heard that it should start to cool down by Sunday in some parts.
So for a hot weekend, here is Tom Bartlett’s take on the best coolers to keep your stuff cold while you’re out. Tom is a writer for Slate and his personal blog is Minor Tweaks. Slate also offers a brief article today on how heat can kill you, for those who were wondering about the perils of heatstroke.
“So which cooler is the coolest? To find out, I performed three tests:
- The Beer Test
- The Ice Cream Experiment
- The Beach Trial
“Along the way, I gained some general cooler wisdom, which I’ll share for your benefit. For starters, pack your cooler in layers: Toss in some ice, your soda, and then some more ice. Put soft food near the top (otherwise, that turkey sandwich will get crushed) or pack it in Tupperware. And, perhaps most important, fill your cooler entirely: Ice in a half-filled cooler melts much more quickly.”
If the link doesn’t work, here’s the URL: http://www.slate.com/id/2144849
Have a safe weekend.
Tags: Friday Link, coolers.