
There’s is a connection between end-of-the-week meetings, Ego and Dr. Oz (what a collection)

Sometimes I dread the last meeting of the work week, the one that comes between you and the mad dash home to kick off the weekend.  But sometimes, the meeting is worth the investment.

That last meeting of the week, the one you accept as your calendar has been full all week with meetings, reviews, PowerPoint decks, Excel spreadsheets, Outlook email and more email… I must admit that I often block the last part of my day on the last work day of the week just to get through the balance of the mail I receive.  Sometimes meetings are scheduled and there’s no chance to decline, and on top of that, you may not relish the topic… more so when it has to do with legal, finance, corporate strategy, compliance… or all the above on those rare “perfect storm” occasions. 

But yesterday’s last-meeting-of-the-week was an exception, and the discussion on topics that of real importance was worth going overtime.  (When you have school age children, my advice to be mindful of how and when you do this… a school night is not a good time to do this when you’ve kids to get off to bed.)

A follow up to our positive discussion was a note on willingness to help, partner, and ego… and the need to keep ego in check.  (My thought is that ego runs deep at many levels, and it inspires me to see that we have people in senior leadership who keep theirs in check.)  I was reminded that the book…

“… “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle… talks about being ego-less (and several other good things)…  I am on chapter 6 and I like it a lot.  You may find it interesting in case you get a chance to read.”

Thanks for the recommendation.

I do, on occasion, get a spare moment here and there to read, having just finished “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick M. Lencioni – a good read (thanks, Carol).  I’ve read Death by Meeting and The Five Temptations of a CEO, and the Five Dysfunctions is not to be missed.  What is it about the number five that has Lencioni so enthralled? 😉

As for ego, the link was appreciated.  I’m not one to lean towards the ideals that Eckhart Tolle traditionally writes, but I found excerpts of a couple of “New Earth” classes run thus far on were time well spent.  (Yes, there are some men in this world that watch Oprah, as you can see for yourself here, as Dr. Oz Takes Over The Oprah Winfrey Show.)  I’ve not made the time or had the inclination to participate live in the online classes, but the recordings are available here available here on

Not available in Windows Media Format, but the QuickTime files are viewable on PCs and Macs with Apple’s player.  And contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to install Safari as many have noted in the blogoshpere recently (but you do have to click ‘no’ quite often… 😉  including this post by Martin LaMonica

“A lot of people appear to be bent out of shape about Apple using its auto-update service to distribute the Safari Web browser on Windows. The CEO of Mozilla, which makes the rival Firefox browser, calls it bad business.

“In a blog on Friday, Mozilla CEO John Lilly criticized Apple’s practice, uncovered this week, of offering iTunes and QuickTime users Safari 3.1 on Windows through the Apple Software Update pop-up. “

(Whatever your media and browser preference, enjoy the QuickTime file downloads of the videos.)

So next time you’re considering declining that 4:00PM Friday meeting, think again.  As quoted in Forrest Gump, “You never know what you’re gonna get.”

One additional note: although Lencioni’s Amazon blog doesn’t have a recent, there is this excerpt from a post made over the Christmas holidays last year…

“Now, any one of these things [that you’d like to give your employees… that will outlast any cookie basket or gift certificate or desk accessory you can order on-line] would make a nice management gift, but together they become the most important quality any person yearns for in their jobs: fulfillment. Without them, employees cannot help but become miserable.

“By beginning the process—and it is certainly a process—of removing anonymity, irrelevance and immeasurement from the work lives of your employees, you will be giving your people a gift that will last far beyond this wonderful season, and that will impact their families and friends in profound, life-changing ways.”

Download the A New Earth Web Classes

Tags: Oprah, New Earth, whack, How to, ego, misc, articles, what I read.

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