ICYMI, Google Reader, Google Voice App for Blackberry, Google Cloud Connect, and Snapseed Desktop are shutting down. Hilarity ensued on the Internet with the melt down on social media over the change. As Danny Sullivan noted here, “Google should have done better by Google Reader & Google users than to bury its closure in a “spring cleaning” post.”
All the talk about RSS Readers reminded me of how important it is to listen and respond (this from 2011 via TechCrunch).
But I digress.
If you’re impacted by this announcement, have no fear: there are options, many great options.
First off, Good advice from Sara Hevans (@prsarahevans) on how to backup your Google Reader account http://aol.it/Wq3UkJ
Once you’ve backed up, you’ll need a new reader.
- Feedly is offering a transition path from Google Reader. https://t.co/i1aReH3zmF
- Lance Ulanoff highlights “7 Awesome Google Reader Alternatives” in his Mashable post: https://t.co/LfqWXrdINr
- Our own Scott Hanselman says that NewsBlur is his Google Reader alternative. “It’s open source and they are nice. Let’s spread the word and support them.”
- I also like Allison Stadd’s recommendation to use Twitter As Your Feed Reader: http://mbist.ro/XM9f7d
With all these options, you may already have an option on your desktop: you can also use Outlook in Microsoft Office to subscribe to an RSS feed as noted here.
So if you’re looking for RSS subscription and management? our own Office 365 Home Premium has that: http://help.outlook.com/en-us/140/cc511379.aspx
Quick links:
- Add an RSS Feed with Outlook
- What are RSS feeds?
- Change settings for RSS Feeds
- Subscribe to an RSS Feed
- How to Read Feeds in Outlook 2013 – For Dummies 😉
- Share or export RSS Feeds
- Create an alert or subscribe to an RSS feed
Also available via https://aka.ms/RSSfeeds